Let us take the strain with your social fundraising to give your staff more time for the fun bits.


Our team of experts can take on any aspect of your social fundraising.

We are all fully trained fundraisers who specialise in Facebook Fundraising. We can look after your groups, administrate your challenges and deliver world-class engagement for your supporters.


When the fundraising market was turned upside down by the first lockdown, we had passionate face-to-face fundraisers who wanted to make a difference but couldn’t get out and about. At the same time, Facebook Challenges were on the rise and so we saw an opportunity to offer next-level community management.

The rest, as they say, is history. We are now trusted to support Facebook Groups and social media engagement for some fantastic charities, and we would love to support you too.

Our services…

Expert community management

Trained fundraisers offering an extension of your team to deliver expert stewardship around the clock.

  • Experts in Facebook Challenges with combined experience of hundreds of campaigns

  • In-depth learning and induction to understand your tone of voice and brand

  • Content creation, management and reporting

  • Round the clock coverage, seven days a week

Fundraising page thanking

Make use of our excellent stewardship tools to offer behavioural on-page messages

  • Send the right message at the right time using our innovative stewardship queue

  • Create messaging journeys designed to optimise fundraising

  • Build split-tests into the process for maximum learning

Organic social engagement

We can look after your social audiences outside of your Facebook Challenges too!

  • Round the clock coverage

  • Trusted by major charity brands

  • Answer queries and signpost supporters

  • Drive engagement across any channel